AI-Driven Decision Support Systems in Management: Enhancing Strategic Planning and Execution

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Suman Narne, Suresh Dodde, Tolu Adedoja, Madan Mohan Tito Ayyalasomayajula, Sathishkumar Chintala


Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming strategic decision-making processes across various industries. Organizations increasingly rely on AI-driven decision support systems that leverage massive amounts of data and real-time analytics to enable more informed planning and predictive capabilities. However, less focused research has explored the integration and impact of such tools specifically within managerial strategy and execution contexts. This study conducts qualitative and quantitative analysis on the deployment of machine learning-based recommendation systems aimed at enhancing the strategic capabilities of management teams. Results indicate that AI decision tools led to improved analytic capacities, competitive response times, and reimagined vision planning, yet also posed transparency and trust challenges around advanced automation techniques. Findings provide novel implications into AI’s emerging role in augmenting and extending higher-level organizational strategy design and enactment by key decision-makers and leaders. Future directions are discussed related to addressing responsible development issues as adoption continues accelerating.

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How to Cite
Madan Mohan Tito Ayyalasomayajula, Sathishkumar Chintala, S. N. S. D. T. A. (2024). AI-Driven Decision Support Systems in Management: Enhancing Strategic Planning and Execution. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 12(1), 268–276. Retrieved from