Challenges of Big Data Technology in Aviation Management
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Traditional data systems fall short of processing Big Data since high volume of information collected to create successful business opportunities requires high performance computer programs including AI tools or processors. Deep flakes fabricate recordings, videos and images in a manner that misrepresent the receiver of the information regarding an event that in reality never took place. Processing Big Data safely for Aviation industry’s benefit requires dedicated legislative regimes to improve predictability in decision making at the market place. Placing reliance on Big Data technology surely helps aviation industry to overcome various troubles related to air operations with ease. This paper attempts to explore the benefits of Big Data technology for the aviation industry. Readers would probably find a point of reference to eradicate major obstacles of Big Data technology that is hampering growth and technical innovations for the aviation industry. Furthermore, readers would be exposed to discussions regarding lack of technical knowledge or skill to exploit Big Data technology directly affects airline’s infrastructure. The paper recommends suggestions to vanquish the identified issues for the aviation industry.