Alternative Energy Storage Solutions for Renewable-Based Energy Systems

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Nimita Gajjar Shubhangi Shukla, Pragya Nema


The generation of electricity from renewable sources has experienced significant global growth, including in India. However, these sources often cannot provide a consistent and easily adjustable supply to meet consumption needs. As a result, renewable energy typically cannot immediately respond to fluctuations in consumer demand, leading to greater challenges in maintaining network load stability. This situation has made energy storage systems a vital component in managing energy from renewable sources.The capacity to store energy is essential for strengthening power grids and ensuring stable load management.. Various Energy reserves methods exist, few of them are in current use and some are in development stage.This paper offers an overview of the key characteristics of different electricity storage techniques, including hybrid  Energy reserves technologies and their utilization. A specific focus is given to hybrid energy storage systems that combine super-capacitors with battery energy storage devices. Additionally, the paper discusses the functionality of hybrid energy reserves systems..

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How to Cite
Nimita Gajjar Shubhangi Shukla, Pragya Nema. (2023). Alternative Energy Storage Solutions for Renewable-Based Energy Systems. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(9), 4347–4357. Retrieved from