Water Purification Under the Magnetization Method: A Review

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Mohammed Saleh Al Ansari


Water is an essential element for living organisms. The availability of fresh drinking water is getting lower day by day with the increasing pollution. Water contamination is a major cause of concern all around the world. There are many methods through which the water is treated among which the Magnetic water treatment method is one method. Which has shown its potential in treating the water. The electromagnetic eater treatment classified and extended method of magnetic water treatment has shown its potential in the Reduction of the formation of scales and treating industrial wastewater has been its most covered area when it comes to treating water. It is a simple technique and has shown its potential in different fields. This review aims to magnetic water treatment techniques. The efficiency, working mechanism, and classification of the magnetic water treatment technique are highlighted.

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How to Cite
Mohammed Saleh Al Ansari, M. S. A. A. (2023). Water Purification Under the Magnetization Method: A Review. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(11), 394–405. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v11i11.9773