Stylometric Analysis of Genre in Hindi Literature

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Vibha Tiwari, Dhruve Kiyawat, Divya Jain, Urmila Mahor, Akash Yadav


The field of stylometry is the quantitative study of writing style. It is used for analyzing various patterns in writing text such as vocabulary, parts of speech, punctuations etc. In this paper a detailed analysis of various techniques of Stylometry analysis is being done and  some of their applications are discussed. In this research, stylometric analysis of Genre in hindi literature is being done. , we have used a dataset of four Hindi stories each from four different famous Indian authors. Features are extracted from the preprocessed text data using the TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) technique. PCA is applied for dimensionality reduction. The results were good, effectively creating different groups that stand for different literary motifs or styles within the dataset.

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How to Cite
Vibha Tiwari, et al. (2023). Stylometric Analysis of Genre in Hindi Literature . International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(9), 2674–2680.