Quantum Computing Algorithms for Solving Complex Mathematical Problems

Main Article Content

Lalit Mohan Trivedi, M Elumalai, N Srikanth Reddy, Archana Kumari Prasad, Bibin K Jose, Jyoti Prasad Patra


The power of quantum mechanics, that is too complex for conventional computers, can be solved by an innovative model of computing known as quantum computing. Quantum algorithms can provide exponential speedups for some types of problems, such as many difficult mathematical ones. In this paper, we review some of the most important quantum algorithms for hard mathematical problems. When factoring large numbers, Shor's algorithm is orders of magnitude faster than any other known classical algorithm. The Grover's algorithm, which searches unsorted databases much more quickly than conventional algorithms, is then discussed.  

Article Details

How to Cite
Lalit Mohan Trivedi, et al. (2023). Quantum Computing Algorithms for Solving Complex Mathematical Problems. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(10), 2202–2206. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v11i10.8913
Author Biography

Lalit Mohan Trivedi, M Elumalai, N Srikanth Reddy, Archana Kumari Prasad, Bibin K Jose, Jyoti Prasad Patra

Dr Lalit Mohan Trivedi1, Dr M Elumalai2, Dr N Srikanth Reddy3, Dr. Archana Kumari Prasad4, Dr. Bibin K Jose5, Dr. Jyoti  Prasad Patra6

1Moradabad Institute of Technology Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh 244001


2St. Joseph's Institute of Technology, Chennai


3Presidency University, Bangalore 560064


4Swami Vivekanand Government College, Madhya Pradesh 480886


5Sanatana Dharma College Alappuzha, Kerala 688003


6Krupaja Engineering College, Bhubaneswar-751002
