Revitalizing Legacy Systems: Extracting Key Features for Software Transplantation

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Gurjot Singh Sodhi, Dhavleesh Rattan


The creation of intelligent software depends on the ability to transfer software without any restrictions. In this article, a crucial stage in software engineering, the feature extraction for effective software transplantation, is discussed. As hardware, operating systems, or other factors change, it is commonly necessary to move software from one environment to another. It is vital to identify and extract the relevant software characteristics, which might be challenging given how complex software is, in order to carry out efficient software transplantation. On the other hand, the procedure to extract these attributes from the software might be time-consuming and need extensive understanding. To address this, we propose a transplantation strategy that prioritizes automation with the help of AWS. Our approach involves an agent running on the application server (on-premises). It performs the task of feature identification, extraction and deployment on AWS Cloud. Currently, our strategy is confined to Java and .NET applications.

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How to Cite
Gurjot Singh Sodhi, et al. (2023). Revitalizing Legacy Systems: Extracting Key Features for Software Transplantation. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(9), 605–615.
Author Biography

Gurjot Singh Sodhi, Dhavleesh Rattan

1Gurjot Singh Sodhi, 2Dhavleesh Rattan

1Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Punjabi University

Patiala, Punjab, India


2Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Punjabi University

Patiala, Punjab, India
