BQL-DRS: A Novel Balanced Q-Learning Based Demand Response System for IoT based Smart Grids

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N.S. Gowri Ganesh, Dr. Helina Rajini Suresh, M. Bharathi, Jeneetha Jebanazer J, S. Deepa, S Sankar


The modernization of electricity networks and the integration of renewable energy resources in Internet of Things (IoT) based smart grids have led to increased variability in market prices, necessitating effective demand response (DR) strategies. To address this challenge, this paper proposes a novel Balanced Q-Learning based Demand Response System (BQL-DRS) that combines both optimistic and pessimistic targets in the Q-learning algorithm to achieve a balanced decision-making process in IoT based smart grids. It optimizes DR actions by efficiently managing consumer demand in real-time, considering IoT data from grid conditions, energy prices, and consumer preferences. The significance of the BQL-DRS lies in its ability to handle dynamic and uncertain IoT based grid environments, enabling it to make informed and cautious decisions while pursuing energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness. By effectively addressing both pessimistic and optimistic scenarios, the BQL-DRS ensures grid stability, load balancing, and substantial cost savings compared to representative models.

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How to Cite
N.S. Gowri Ganesh, et al. (2023). BQL-DRS: A Novel Balanced Q-Learning Based Demand Response System for IoT based Smart Grids. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(10), 431–437.
Author Biography

N.S. Gowri Ganesh, Dr. Helina Rajini Suresh, M. Bharathi, Jeneetha Jebanazer J, S. Deepa, S Sankar

1N.S. Gowri Ganesh, 2Dr. Helina Rajini Suresh, 3M. Bharathi, 4Jeneetha Jebanazer J, 5S. Deepa, 6S Sankar

1Department of Artificial intelligence and Data Science, Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai,

2Department of ECE, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr.Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai

3Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Jeppiaar Institute of Technology, Sriperumbudur,

Tamil Nadu, India

4Panimalar Engineering College, Professor, Dept. of ECE, India,

5Panimalar Engineering College, Dept. of ECE, India,

6Saveetha School of Engineering, Dept. of CSE, India,


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