A Context-Responsive LSTM based IoT Enabled E- Healthcare Monitoring System for Arrhythmia Detection

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T. Pandiselvi
B. Lakshmi Dhevi
G.M. Karthik
Vinoth T
S. Shibu
C.Ramesh Kumar


Detecting Arrhythmia, a life-threatening cardiac condition, in real-time is crucial for timely intervention and improved healthcare outcomes. Traditional manual methods for Arrhythmia detection using Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals are error-prone and resource-intensive. To address these limitations, this paper presents an automated system based on the Context Responsive Long Short-Term Memory (CR-LSTM) model for real-time Arrhythmia classification. The system leverages IoT technology to continuously monitor vital signs and effectively combines contextual information with temporal sensor data to accurately discern different types of Arrhythmias. The CR-LSTM model achieves an impressive accuracy of 99.72% in multiclass classification of Arrhythmias, making it a promising solution for dynamic healthcare settings and proactive personalized care.

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How to Cite
Pandiselvi, T., Dhevi, B. L. ., Karthik, G., T, V., Shibu, S. ., & Kumar, C. . (2023). A Context-Responsive LSTM based IoT Enabled E- Healthcare Monitoring System for Arrhythmia Detection. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(9), 157–163. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v11i9.8330


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