A Review of Wireless Sensor Networks with Cognitive Radio Techniques and Applications
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The advent of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) has inspired various sciences and telecommunication with its applications, there is a growing demand for robust methodologies that can ensure extended lifetime. Sensor nodes are small equipment which may hold less electrical energy and preserve it until they reach the destination of the network. The main concern is supposed to carry out sensor routing process along with transferring information. Choosing the best route for transmission in a sensor node is necessary to reach the destination and conserve energy. Clustering in the network is considered to be an effective method for gathering of data and routing through the nodes in wireless sensor networks. The primary requirement is to extend network lifetime by minimizing the consumption of energy. Further integrating cognitive radio technique into sensor networks, that can make smart choices based on knowledge acquisition, reasoning, and information sharing may support the network's complete purposes amid the presence of several limitations and optimal targets. This examination focuses on routing and clustering using metaheuristic techniques and machine learning because these characteristics have a detrimental impact on cognitive radio wireless sensor node lifetime.
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