Formal Semantic Approach to Detect Smart Contract Vulnerabilities Using KEVM
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Smart contracts are self-executing programs that run on blockchain platforms. While smart contracts offer a range of benefits, such as immutability and transparency, they are not immune to vulnerabilities. Malicious actors can exploit smart contract vulnerabilities to execute unintended actions or access sensitive data[1]. One approach to mitigating smart contract vulnerabilities is formal verification. Formal verification is a method of verifying the correctness of software using mathematical techniques. It involves mathematically proving that a program conforms to a set of specifications. Formal verification can help detect and eliminate vulnerabilities in smart contracts before they are deployed on the blockchain. KEVM (K Framework-based EVM) is a framework that allows for formal verification of smart contracts on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). KEVM uses the K Framework, a formal semantics framework, to specify the behavior of the EVM. With KEVM, smart contract developers can verify the correctness of their contracts before deployment, reducing the risk of vulnerabilities. In this paper, we have studied smart contract vulnerabilities such as Over usage of Gas, Signature Replay attack, and misuse of fallback function. We have also written the formal specification for these vulnerabilities and executed it using KEVM.
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