Newton’s Law of Gravitational Force (NLGF) based Machine Learning Technique for Uneven Illuminated Face Detection
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A photo gallery is crucial for organizing your photos, presenting them in beautiful categories, and doing sophisticated memory searches. The photo gallery is portrayed in a vocabulary of nonlinear similarities to the prototype face image collection. One of the difficult research ideas for machine learning technologies is the maintenance of a photo gallery using facial recognition. Based on changes in the faces' appearance, faces are identified. This research proposes novel machine learning algorithms to recognize faces by characterizing the majority of discriminating local characteristics, which maximizes the dissimilarity between face photos of different persons and reduces the dissimilarity between features between face images of the same person. This method relies on Newton's third law of gravitational force to determine the relationship between pixels to extract the features of noisy accurately and efficiently, unevenly illuminated, and rotationally invariant face images.
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Bhanushree K. J., Meenavathi M. B “Feature Based Face Recognition using Machine Learning Techniques”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-6, March 2020