ECG Biometric for Human Authentication using Hybrid Method

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Keshavamurthy T G
Eshwarappa M N


Recently there is more usage of deep learning in biometrics. Electrocardiogram (ECG) for person authentication is not the exception. However the performance of the deep learning networks purely relay on the datasets and trainings, In this work we propose a fusion of pretrained Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) such as Googlenet with SVM for person authentication using there ECG as biometric. The one dimensional ECG signals are filtered and converted into a standard size with suitable format before it is used to train the networks. An evaluation of performances shows the good results with the pre-trained network that is Googlenet. The accuracy results reveal that the proposed fusion method outperforms with an average accuracy of 95.0%.

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How to Cite
T G, K. ., & M N, E. . (2023). ECG Biometric for Human Authentication using Hybrid Method. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(7s), 292–299.


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