Dynamic Weighted Round Robin Approach in Software-Defined Networks Using Pox Controller

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Buhyavarapu Manasa
A. Ramesh Babu


Load balancing is important in solving over-load traffic problems in the network. Therefore, it has been among the first appealing applications in Software Defined Networking (SDN) networks. Numerous SDN-based load-balancing approaches have been recommended to enhance the performance of SDN networks. However, network control could be more manageable in large networks with hundreds of switches and routers. The SDN is a unique way of building, controlling, and developing networks to modify this unpleasant situation. The major concept of SDN contains logically centralizing network management in an SDN controller, which manages and observes the behaviour of the network. Numerous load-balancing approaches are known, such as Round Robin (RR), random policy, Weighted randomized policy (WRP), etc. Every load-balancing policy approach has some benefits and detriments. This paper developed an advanced load-balancing algorithm, a dynamic weighted round-robin (DWRR), and ran it on the top of the SDN controller. Then we calculate the result of our proposed load-balancing approach by comparing it with the current round-robin (RR) and weighted round-robin (WRR) approaches. Mininet tool is utilized for the investigation, and the controller utilized as the control plane is named the POX controller.

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How to Cite
Manasa, B. ., & Babu, A. R. . (2023). Dynamic Weighted Round Robin Approach in Software-Defined Networks Using Pox Controller. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(5), 304–310. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v11i5.6618


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