Automotive Movie Recommendation System based on Natural Language Processing

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Pooja Bagane
Sudhanshu Gonge
Rahul Joshi
Obsa Amenu Jebessa


People are puzzled about which movie to watch these days because there are so many movies available on various OTT platforms. A recommender system would solve this problem by recommending the best movie to the user based on his genre, actor, director, and rating preferences. The cosine similarity principle would be used to guide the recommendation system. Apart from that, we will use the Tfidftransformer and count vectorizer from the sci-kit-learn library in Python in this work. In this study work, all of the approaches' constraints have been described. All of this work was done using datasets from several OTT platforms that were available on Kaggle.

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How to Cite
Bagane, P. ., Gonge, S. ., Joshi, R. ., & Jebessa, O. A. . (2023). Automotive Movie Recommendation System based on Natural Language Processing . International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(5), 300–303.


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