Pseudo Random Binary Sequences Obtained Using Novel Chaos Based Key Stream Generator and their Auto-correlation Properties

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Pushpalatha G S
Ramesh S


In this paper, psuedo random binary sequences are generated from the “Chaos Based Key Stream Generator- using novel Permutation technique with two dimensional patterns and substitution technique with Z4 mapping” and investigation of auto correlation property for the generated seuwnces is presented. Initially a chaotic function, considering Logistic map is used to generate a Pseudo Random Numbers (PRNs). Then these numbers are converted into binary sequences using binary mapping. These sequences are further modified by novel permutation techniques defined using 2-Dimensional patterns, and substitution technique defined over Z4 transformation in order to improve their statistical properties. The resulting sequences are investigated for auto correlation properties using Normalized Hamming Auto Correlation function. The purpose of this work is to assessing the quality of sequences of uniformly distributed pseudorandom numbers from the proposed generator. It is found that, generated sequences exhibit good auto-correlation property which is suitable for key sequence or secret key for cryptographic applications.

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How to Cite
G S, P. ., & S, R. . (2023). Pseudo Random Binary Sequences Obtained Using Novel Chaos Based Key Stream Generator and their Auto-correlation Properties. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(5), 141–147.


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