Calculation of Swirl Angle Using CFD

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Harsh R. Patel, Faizanali M. Saiyed


CFD flow simulation methods have been used to model the flow through the proving facilities. It has been found that significant swirl is generated within the system pipe circuit. This errors can be resolved using two methodologies out of which is using tube bundles i.e. the tube bundles installed in the 10 inch lines effectively remove this swirl. However, flow conditions at the flowmeters? inlets are not ideal with skewed and flattened velocity profiles being predicted at the meters? inlets. This is particularly true of the 10 inch flowmeters.

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How to Cite
, H. R. P. F. M. S. (2017). Calculation of Swirl Angle Using CFD. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(3), 232–234.