An Intelligent Method for Predictive Monitoring of Patient Health Parameters using Data Mining Techniques

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Janani A V R, Mr. S. Raja, Mr. T. Maheswaran


Now a day Internet of Things is suddenly increasing technology. IOT is the network of physical object or things embedded with software sensors, electronics and network connectivity. IOT is used to collect information and exchange data. In this paper, we are developing a system which will automatically monitor the industrial applications. IOT has given a powerful way to build industrial system by using wireless devices, and sensors. IOT concept is to monitor and control the industry. In phase I the hard ware was designed successfully using IOT. The input from sensor and data output can be displayed in the LCD (16*2).microcontroller (PIC16F887) which is used to collect data from sensors and displayed in LCD. The displayed data can be seen by server using IOT. The performances are verified experimentally using IOT. In Phase II the data from the server can be monitor through personal computer .The industrial data can be viewed through URL.

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How to Cite
, J. A. V. R. M. S. R. M. T. M. (2018). An Intelligent Method for Predictive Monitoring of Patient Health Parameters using Data Mining Techniques. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 6(5), 208 –.