The SENIOR-System of Nudge Theory-Based ICT Applications for Older Patients- Project: A Correlational Study About Neuropsychological and Physiological Data

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Gianluca Castelnuovo, Davide Maria Cammisuli, Gloria Marchesi, Giada Pavanello, Giada Pietrabissa


The SENIOR project (SystEm of Nudge theory based on ICT applications for elderly citizens) was born as an advanced coaching system based on ICT aimed at the detection and management of physiological, psychological and behavioral data coming from older adults addressing the production of (bio)feedbacks related to both practiced physical and mental activities, in order to improve health factors and counteract risk ones that may threaten its balance. The SENIOR system was designed to include a "virtual coach" capable of processing data based on a machine learning process aimed at sending notifications linked to the user's physical and cognitive status. What is recorded by the technologies in use (e.g. wearables and sensors) is in fact sent to a remote server where the data is processed by software and studied to identify patterns linked to dangerous situations that may augment unhealthy attitudes (eg., sedentary lifestyles). 

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How to Cite
Giada Pavanello, Giada Pietrabissa, G. C. D. M. C. G. M. (2024). The SENIOR-System of Nudge Theory-Based ICT Applications for Older Patients- Project: A Correlational Study About Neuropsychological and Physiological Data. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(9), 5330–5332. Retrieved from