Comparative Study of Rectangular Patch Antenna using FR4 and RT Duroid Substrates

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Thingbaijam Rajkumari Chanu, N. Basanta Singh


This research presents a comparative analysis between RT Duroid and FR4 substrates for microstrip patch antennas using Zealand IE3D software. Spanning 3 GHz to 5 GHz, the study assesses parameters like return loss, VSWR, Axia, Antenna Efficiency, Radiation Efficiency, Gain, Directivity and Bandwidth. Results obtained through simulation are scrutinized to understand how substrate selection influences the antenna's behaviour and physical dimensions across the specified frequency range. This research provides valuable insights for microwave engineers, facilitating the informed selection of substrate materials based on application-specific requirements and optimizing the design of microstrip patch antennas for high-frequency communication systems.

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How to Cite
N. Basanta Singh, T. R. C. . (2024). Comparative Study of Rectangular Patch Antenna using FR4 and RT Duroid Substrates. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(9), 5090–5092. Retrieved from