Exploring the Student Experiences of LMS (Learning Management System) in Higher Education

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Tulika Bansal


The study aims to investigate the student experience and perception of blending LMS (Learning Management System) with the traditional classroom instructional strategy. It also analyses the impact of LMS on students’ engagement and evaluate their satisfaction with it. The research used quantitative design with single group post-test only experimental design. The study used complete enumeration design where all 47 students of Masters in Education (M.Ed.) programme were exposed to experiment but only 42 students became part of study by responding to post test. Moodle was used as LMS and participants responses were sought on a reliable and valid self-developed instrument including twenty statements. The findings of the study reveal that students had a positive experience with the Learning Management System (LMS) and they found it easy to use, user-friendly, flexible, and beneficial for their studies. However, it was found that by giving better orientation to LMS and expediently resolving technical glitches, blended instructional strategy can be made more effective.

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How to Cite
Bansal, T. . (2024). Exploring the Student Experiences of LMS (Learning Management System) in Higher Education. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(9), 5082–5089. Retrieved from https://ijritcc.org/index.php/ijritcc/article/view/10184