Analysis of Fault Detection in Analog Circuits Using WSF-SKC Optimized SVM Technique
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Many industrial applications and control systems depend heavily on analogue electrical circuitry. The conventional method of diagnosing such circuit faults can be time-consuming and erroneous, which might have a severe impact on the industrial output. The fault detection and analysing of analogue circuits with intelligent effective model is proposed in this work. The suggested technique primarily consists of two main stages one is extraction of features and the other is classification of faults. The analysis is performed on the response of frequency in analogue circuits. For extracting features particle swarm optimization (PSO) is utilized. The PSO is used to evaluate the fitness function of Wilks A-Statistic Filters sallen-key circuit (WSF-SKC). With fault characteristics retrieved using the particle swarm approach that are carefully selected, the fault classes may be separated more quickly. To categorise different failures in a benchmark circuit, a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier is built. Utilising firefly optimisation, the classifier is improved. Different fault codes were tested in experiments for defect detection and identification. The findings of the experiment indicate that this proposed technique can significantly increase the accuracy of fault diagnosis. The accuracy obtained for WS-LPF is 99.95%, WS-HPF is 99.97 and WS-BPF is 99.90% respectively.